Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here's How It Works

Our co-op will basically take orders for "shares" of organic produce, which will be available at our house on "Co-op Day." Co-op Day will be every other Monday, and members will be able to pick up their produce in the afternoon (currently, hours are from 4pm to 6pm). One "share" of organic produce will be about enough to provide the produce needs for the average family for a couple of weeks (until the next co-op day).

On our first co-op day, members received bananas, apples, oranges, romaine hearts, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, and carrots. And it completely filled up (and brimmed over the top of) a standard sized rectangular laundry basket. The produce mix will not always be the same - it will depend to a large extent on what is in season. Also, the more members we have the larger the variety will be.

The cost per share is currently $45. This is competitive (actually a little cheaper) than other organic co-ops in the Dallas area. We are also currently offering a "half share" for $25.

In addition to the produce, our members have the opportunity to purchase and pick up free-range eggs from our personal flock of hens, and many "flavors" of my wife's hand made soaps!

If you are interested, please email us at